Pitru paksha shradha is performed for our Pitrus in which Tithi they passed away. Sarva Pitru Shradha can be performed on the Last day of Pitrupaksha that is on Mahalaya Amavasya.
Pitru Paksha also known as Mahalaya Paksha, is a 15 lunar days period when Hindus pay homage to their ancestors. Pitru paksha 2024 is from 18th September 2024 and ends on 2nd October 2024. This Shraddha is performed especially through Pinda pradan, Tarpan, and food offerings to Brahmins. Performing this ceremony with utmost faith and a peaceful mind gives the Karta the full benefit of this ceremony and the blessings of his ancestor will always be there upon them.
Pitru Paksha 2024 Dates:
18th Sep: Prathamai Shradh
19th Sep: Dwitiya Shradh
20th Sep: Tritiyai Shradh
21st Sep: Chaturthi Shradh
22nd Sep: Panchami Shradh
23rd Sep: Shashthi Shradh
24th Sep: Saptami Shradh
25th Sep: Ashtami Shradh
26th Sep: Navami Shradh
27th Sep: Dashami Shradh
28th Sep: Ekadashi Shradh
29th Sep: Dwadashi Shradh
30th Sep: Trayodashi Shradh
01st Oct: Chaturdashi Shradh
02nd Oct: SarvaPitru Amavasya Shradh